
“Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”
― William O Douglas


I have noted several times on these pages that I remain apolitical and self funded, I have zero issue with membership of a political party which after all is what our democracy is built on, but remain concerned when candidates choose not to disclose such when they are much more than an ordinary party member.

I have in the past supported the West Australian Party and I did support Kate Chaney in the last federal election by handing out how-to-vote cards and eating my fair share of sausage sizzles.

I am however a member and/or supporter of several Community and friends Groups, and this is just as relevant to transparency as are any political affiliations.

I am an active participant in the following groups.

  • West Australian Ratepayers and Residents Association *
  • Stirling Tree Canopy Advocates (part of WACTA)
  • Karrinyup Residents for Responsible Development
  • Responsible Cat Ownership
  • Sunsets not Skyscrapers
And an Administrator of the following Facebook Groups

  • Stirling Ratepayers Association
  • Stirling Community Matters
  • Stirling Tree Canopy Advocates
  • Responsible Cat Ownership - Stirling

I provide complimentary IT services to the Local Government Elected Members Association (LGEMA) and the West Australian Ratepayer and Residents Association (WARRA)

* I am currently Deputy Chair of WARRA - a position that I will vacate if elected, WARRA correctly does not allow for Elected Members to serve on the Committee.

Together we can build a better Coastal Ward
