a better Coastal

needs a better Stirling ,for a better Stirling,

vote Simon Wheeler for Coastal Ward.

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For a better Coastal Ward

Simon Wheeler as Coastal Ward councillor

How to Vote

Better Consultation

Consultation must not just be the hollow excersise of going through the motions, it must also be about actually listening and acting on the results of that consultation to promote better outcomes, it's time for change.

Better Value

Lets rethink rates, that rates must increase each and every year is a self fulfilling prophecy driven by the Status Quo. Councillors need to begin to think outside that box, and direct the executive to do the same, it's time for change.

Better Urban Planning

The Coastal Ward has an ever decreasing amount of public open space and a fast reducing urban canopy driven by non-conforming development. Our environment needs to be a elevated consideration in ALL decision making.

Hi, my name is Simon Wheeler and I’m running for Council for the Coastal Ward in the upcoming council elections in October.

A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.Thomas Paine, Common Sense

....for instance, rates, if the only question is "how high", then the answer can only start with a +, but unlike other candidates I am not here to just talk about rates, or roundabouts, or better local facilities or security, not because they are not vitally important,they are, but because they should be a given, the bread and butter of Community representatives.

To achieve these aims however we need a functional, united Council collaborating unselfishly to think both in and outside the box, a Council that does not delegate unconditionally its powers to an unelected executive, a Council unmolested by the Planning and development Industry and Party Political ties. Councillor Felicity Farrelly made gigantic inroads by spearheading the Scarborough Beach normalisation process and many other brave initiatives, I intend fully if elected to continue with and build on her success.

Please vote for Simon Wheeler for a better Stirling and a better Coastal Ward.

About Simon Platform How to vote

Together we can build a better Coastal Ward
