
for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer
Thomas Paine, Common Sense


Increasing the frequency and quality of ratepayer consultation with procedures in place to monitor and address incomplete or ineffective consultation is one of my core frustrations alongside reliance on imported 'experts' when in my experience the Community usully already has the solution, if someone would only listen. This is why I am proposing a Consultation Charter

As part of the KRRD Group I helped create and implement motions to Council that resulted in the Karrinyup Community Information sessions and the formation of the Karrinyup Community Consultation Group.

Planning and Development

Most planning decisions are made via delegated authority by the Administration - without Council scrutiny poor planing outcomes and infill have become the norm. Planning decisions must be consistent and all non-conforming development must be reviewed by your elected Councillors.

I have made Countless deputations to Council, the DAP and Development WA on my own behalf and on behalf of various groups accross the City.
(e.g. 200 WCH 27 Storey Build2Rent development submission (pdf))

Urban Canopy

The City's current Urban Forest Strategy of doing nothing for the next 21 years required little effort. The state of our environment and urban canopy is an 'also ran' in the factors considered in the everyday decision making in Council despite having an Urban Forest Strategy, this is unsustainable and must change.

As a member of WATCA I formed the Stirling TCA Group and have petitioned the City to introduce sensible sustainable protections of our urban canopy.


The City must be more proactive when faced with State Government agencies forcing decisions on the City, DAP's, DevelopmentWA, the WAPC etc. Many much smaller Councils vigorously defend their ratepayers against unpopular State mandated planning and infrastructure decisions, Stirling, as the largest (by population) Metropolitan Council should not be pushed around so easily and must stand up for its ratepayers.

"Nothing we can do" - is not good enough, and I have as part of various community groups directly petitioned State Government in regard to incompatible development, loss of canopy and public open space and responsible Cat ownership on behalf of Stirling ratepayers where Stirling has not.

Together we can build a better Coastal Ward
