Simon Wheeler

"is it not about time Mayor Irwin that the planning department stopped giving ever more pythonesque answers and finally admit that it does not in fact have the slightest clue what it actually approved?"

Who are you?

Born and raised in Birmingham England with a jewellery and light metal manufacturing background I have spent the last 17 of my 22 years in Australia self employed in the IT retail, service and consultancy business.

Semi-retired I am able to put 100% effort to continue working with and for the Community to help achieve procedural fairness, natural justice and positive outcomes for the residents of the Coastal Ward and Stirling at large. I am politically independent with no party, union, developer or industry affiliation, a truly independent voice. (see my transparency page)

My partner Rosina and myself have lived in the Scarborough for nearly ten years and became active in the Community having been affected by questionable decision making and discovering many other ratepayers and residents across the City with similar concerns and frustrations.

I voted and campaigned in 2019 for retiring Councillor Felicity Farrelly and wish her all the best moving forward and promise to continue pushing our shared values for a cleaner, `cooler` and more vibrant Coastal Ward and will continue to liase with Felicity to learn from her comprehensive understanding of the area.

As one of those who it is alledged `does not understand the planning system` I do at least understand that delegation of authority is not delegation of responsibility, and whilst Simon and Rosina like many other affected ratepayers have received private apologies and sympathy from Councillors and Staff alike, had seen little change in attitude and behaviour until actively engaging the Cit. Sadly the 'theres nothing we can do' response continues Council, an apathy that must change and can only change by those not conditioned over many years to accept it.

I have been proactive and vocal member of the public in petitioning Council for better consultation, governance and planning over several years. I have supported numerous community groups and individuals in putting their case to the City with wins and losses along the way. I have introduced, as a member of the public, more Motions than some sitting Councillors and as several Councillors and Staff will tell you I am nothing if not persistant... and will contiue as such if elected.

Through my dealing with the City of Stirling I have met many many other people from across the City whose lives have been affected by questionable Governance and representation, a regular sight at the City of Stirling Council meetings I refuse to accept the City's common response of `there is nothing we can do`, there is something we can do, but we need fresh energy, fresh thinking and a concentrated effort by representatives to become the antidote to the apathy that many perceive in Stirling.

Councillor Felicity Farrelly was a truly and welcome independent voice thoughout her term and must be replaced by a similarly independent community focused voice if positive change is to continue.

Together we will build a better Coastal Ward
